Last Updated Mar 10, 2025


Nicolas Rios

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URI vs. URL: Understanding the Key Differences

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a URI and a URL? These terms are often used interchangeably, but they’re not quite the same thing. Understanding the distinction between them is fundamental to working with web technologies and APIs. 

In this article, we’ll break down the differences in a clear and practical way to help you confidently use these concepts in your development work.

What is a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)?

A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is a string of characters that uniquely identifies a resource on the internet. Think of it as a unique identifier for anything online.

URI Key Characteristics:

  • Identifies a resource uniquely.
  • Can be either a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or a URN (Uniform Resource Name).
  • Doesn’t necessarily provide a way to access the resource.

Example of a URI:

  • urn:isbn:0451450523 (Identifies a book by its ISBN number but does not specify where to find it online.)

What is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a specific type of URI that provides the location of a resource and how to access it.

URL Key Characteristics:

  • A type of URI that includes a method to locate the resource.
  • Contains a protocol (e.g., http, https), a domain name (e.g.,, and a path (e.g., /images/logo.png).
  • Think of it as a street address that tells you where to find something online.

Example of a URL:

  • (This locates the book on a website.)

What is a URN (Uniform Resource Name)?

A URN (Uniform Resource Name) is a type of URI that identifies a resource by name without specifying its location.

Example of a URN:

  • urn:ietf:rfc:2648 (Refers to an internet standard by name, without indicating where to access it.)

What are the main differences between URI vs. URL?

Class Starting Address Ending Address Default Subnet Mask Usage
A Very large networks, often ISPs and global enterprises
B Medium-sized networks, universities, and corporations
C Small business and home networks
D N/A Reserved for multicast communication
E N/A Experimental and reserved for future use
Feature IPv4 IPv6
Address Size 32-bit (e.g., 128-bit (e.g., 2001:db8::1)
Address Space ~4.3 billion addresses ~340 undecillion addresses
Notation Decimal (dotted notation) Hexadecimal (colon-separated)
Security Optional security features Built-in IPsec
Feature API (Request-Response) Webhook (Event-Driven)
Communication Style Request-based Event-driven push
Initiator Client requests data Server sends data
Real-Time Updates Less efficient Highly efficient
Data Delivery On demand Automatically upon event
Resource Usage Can be inefficient if polling frequently More efficient
Feature URI URL
Purpose Identifies a resource uniquely Identifies and locates a resource
Specificity General category Specific type of URI
Includes Protocol? Not necessarily Yes (e.g., https, ftp)
Example urn:isbn:0451450523

Check this Analogy!

  • A URI is like a name, while a URL is like a full street address.

Real-World Examples

Website URL:

API Endpoint:

  • This is both a URI and a URL, as it uniquely identifies the email verification service and provides a way to access it.

Image URL:

  • This is a URL because it locates the image on a server.

URN Example:

  • urn:ietf:rfc:2648
  • Identifies an RFC document by name, not location.

Why This Matters for Developers

Understanding URIs and URLs is essential for:

  • API design: Defining API endpoints that developers can use effectively.
  • Web development: Linking to and retrieving web resources efficiently.
  • Data exchange: Structuring data in a clear and standardized way.

A strong grasp of these concepts helps developers build robust and scalable applications.

Abstract API Integration 

Abstract API's suite of APIs follows clear and consistent URI structures, making integration seamless. 

For example, in the Email Validation API, the endpoint follows the format:

Understanding how this works allows developers to integrate APIs more effectively into their applications.

Best Practices for Creating URIs

  • Keep URLs human-readable (e.g.,
  • Use HTTPS for secure communication.
  • Avoid special characters in URLs where possible.


While the difference between URIs and URLs might seem subtle, it’s crucial for web developers and API users. A URL is always a URI, but not all URIs are URLs. 

By understanding these concepts, you’ll be better equipped to work with web technologies and APIs.

At Abstract API, we’re committed to providing clear, developer-friendly APIs. Check out our API catalog to explore our services and start building today!

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