Last Updated Aug 07, 2021


Emma Jagger

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What is RapidQL?

Querying multiple APIs is a pain. RapidQL lets developers query multiple API resources at a time, combining them to create one unified Query.

RapidQL Commands


You can perform queries using the method rql.query().

rql.query(` { a } `, { a: 1, b: 2 }).then(console.log).catch(console.warn);


Similarly to querying, you can directly log the results of your query using the rql.log() method.

rql.log(` { a } `, { a: 1, b: 2 })

HTTP Requests

With RapidQL, you can also connect to any HTTP url using Http.get(). You may also use patch, post, and put requests.

``` const RapidQL = require('RapidQL'); const rql = new RapidQL({});

rql.log({ Http.get(url:"") { origin } }); ```

More Parameters

An HTTP request in RQL can take many parameters beyond the url. The parameters include:

  • url: a fully qualified URI
  • body: entity body for PATCH, POST and PUT requests (not usable on GET requests)
  • form: data to pass for a multipart/form-data request (not usable on GET requests)
  • json: a boolean that when true, sets body to JSON representation of value and adds the
  • Content-type: application/json header (not usable on GET requests)
  • headers: HTTP headers (default: {})
  • bearer: an OAuth bearer token
  • basic: credentials for basic auth.


RapidQL lets developers query multiple API resources at a time, combining them to create one unified Query.

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